Dr. Kathrin Wildner
Kathrin Wildner researches as an ethnologist large cities such as New York, Mexico City and Istanbul. She is interested in ethnographic research methods for exploration and spatial analysis, theories of public space, transnational urbanism and artistic practices. She has participated in several international projects: Global Prayers. Contemporary Manifestations of the Religious in the City, Von Nowosibirsk lernen, Istanbul: Multiple Modernities in Urban Space and Tamarin Nights. Founding member of the grup 'Metro Zones' and coordinator of scientific and artistic part in the research and exhibition project "Global Prayers. Liberation and Salvation in Megacities." Since October 2012 is professor of the department of Cultural Theory and Cultural Practices HafenCity in Hamburg University. He is also visiting professor of the masters program strategies space the School of Fine Arts in Berlin Weissensee.